操作方法: A D键 移动,鼠标点击则扔东西。按空格键触发行为。
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Step 2 : Go to the right of the child.
Step 3 : Throw a ball on the garbage lid.
Step 4 : Go under the tree.
Step 5 : Throw a ball into the leaves of the tree, near the right.
Step 6 : Go completely to the left of the screen ( to the left of the fallen light fixture ).
Step 7 : Walk over the light fixture and up to the hole in the roof.
Step 8 : Throw a ball on the sign between the two windows to make it fall over the hole.
Step 9 : Continue to walk to the right past the hole.
Step 10 : Throw a ball on the man repairing his vehicule.
Step 11 : Walk to the electricity.
Step 12 : Press and hold ( SPACEBAR ) to recharge your wireless.
Step 1 : Walk down the stairs.
Step 2 : Position yourself to the right of the red lever.
Step 3 : Throw a ball on the lever.
Step 4 : Throw a ball on the boat’s motor.
Step 4 : Go back upstairs.
Step 5 : Throw a ball on the bird.
Step 6 : Position yourself to the right of the man sleeping.
Step 7 : Throw a ball on the man’s fishing rod near the tip.
Step 8 : Go down the stairs and throw a ball on the fishing hook.
Step 9 : Go back upstairs.
Step 10 : Throw a ball on the fishing rod reel.
Step 11 : Go back down the stairs ( The electrical box is open ! )
Step 12 : Walk over the electricity.
Step 13 : Press and hold ( SPACEBAR ) to recharge your wireless.
Level # 6 - Walkthrough
Password for this level: HDGAI
Step 1 : Throw a ball on the flag ( to knock the rock down ).
Step 2 ; Throw a ball on the parasol where the rock fell.
Step 3 : Give yourself a good distance from the two orange cones.
Step 4 : Throw a ball on each of them to knock them over.
Step 5 : At one point, a cyclist will run over the rock and drop his tape player.
Step 6 : Throw a ball on the waiter’s cabaret.
Step 7 : Walk to the tape player that is broken.
Step 8 : Press and hold ( SPACEBAR ) to recharge your wireless.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
Level # 7 - Walkthrough
Password for this level: METRO
Step 1 : Throw a ball on the jar of coins.
Step 2 : Throw a ball on the phone.
Step 3 : Wait for the employee to remove his hand from the counter.
Step 4 : Throw a ball on the coin that has fallen on the counter.
Step 5 : Walk through the entrance ( to the right ).
Step 6 : Throw a ball on the light above to wake up the sleeping man who is blocking your passage.
Step 7 : Enter the subway and go to your far right.
Step 8 : Throw a ball on the emergency button to the right of the door.
Step 9 : Walk off the subway to the right and down on the rails.
Step 10 : Press and hold ( SPACEBAR ) to recharge your wireless.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
Level # 8 - Walkthrough
Password for this level: CROIX
Step 1 : Throw a ball on the bird when it flies just over the wheelbarrow.
Step 2 : Go to the right of the wheelbarrow.
Step 3 : Throw a ball on the wheelbarrow to make it tip down the hill.
Step 4 : Climb over the wheelbarrow and the fence.
Step 5 : Turn all the lights to red. ( There is a sequence here ; see Step 6 ).
Step 6 : Throw a ball on the first light starting from the left.
Step 7 : Throw a ball on the second light starting from the left.
Step 8 : Throw a ball on the third light starting from the left.
( The transformer should explode if all the lights were red ).
Step 9 : Walk out of the fence to the far left.
Step 10 : An elevator was activated on the base of the cross. Walk to it.
Step 11 : To activate the elevator throw a ball on the white light above.
Step 12 : Once at the top of the cross walk towards the electricity on the right.
Step 13 : Press and hold ( SPACEBAR ) to recharge your wireless.