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Monkey Go Happy: Diamond Mountain Chapter 2

From:monkeyhappy Plays:1923 Publish:2022-03-19 Size:未知
Monkey GO Happy Diamond Mountain

This is an adventure, because the protagonist enters slowly but surely. This is her second trip. She must go deep underground and open another secret passage to find the treasure.

In order to reach the diamond, you must first activate the elevator and you must find a single lever. The first character I met on the road was a businessman. He needed to bring 40 coins, but he had to be in a jar. You don't have money now, so you need to open the channel to the next location, and the code on the floor will help you do that.

There you can find more positions. When you find a special lever, you can easily move up and down while collecting valuable items, combinations and applications.

What the local hero needs: some candy in a jar, even a stick on top of a tree. Good luck!

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