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逃离神秘的森林 (Masked Forest Escape)

出自:Games4escape 点击:3295 发布:2017-07-05 文件大小:1.07M
神秘 森林

This is a very wonderful forest but there's something fishy about it. Looks like it's hiding something. While you were walking through this forest on a spring, an old leaf fell down on your face. It's not even fall yet but that is what you saw firsthand. As you walk father, more old leaves fell down. From there, you found out that this is not really a wonderful forest. In fact, this is just a masked forest and it hides what it really is. The truth is, this forest makes everything old including the people who go here. But this forest is not called masked for no reason. It is called masked because you can only survive and escape from the curse if you have a mask. That mask is also the key for you to escape from the forest.

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