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做办公室实习小弟 (officerush)

出自:onlineindiangames 点击:14100 发布:2011-12-28 文件大小:556.68K


玩法:鼠标操作,点有需要的职员去左侧冰柜和右侧文件柜拿需要的物品交给他们即可。    You are appointed to help the officers in the office to attend their needs during their duty. They may ask for files, office stationary, drinks etc. When somebody asks an item you have to pick it and deliver as soon.       Instructions:You are appointed to help the officers in the office to attend their needs during their duty. They may ask for files, office stationary, drinks etc. When somebody asks an item you have to pick it and deliver as soon. If you failed to meet the daily targets you will be suspended from your job. You will earn more scores by delivering the orders with less time. You can either finish the day work when the target met or continue playing to earn more till day over. Move mouse to the sides of the scene to scroll the scene, also can click the icons at bottom to scroll quickly. Click the officers to take the order and deliver the items. Click the items from cupboard or refrigerators at both sides to take it and deliver.
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