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奇异滑轮 (Fantastic Contraption)

出自:fantasticcontraption 点击:6720 发布:2008-07-21 文件大小:43.34M


A fun online physics puzzle game
Fantastic Contraption is an elastic attraction.
Each physics level guarantees satisfaction.
And unless you have a strange allergic reaction,
You'll soon be hooked on Newton's laws of interaction.
Ok, so maybe I shouldn't write poetry for a living, but I have had so much fun with this game, that I could not help

myself. Created by Colin Northway, Fantastic Contraption is a physics puzzle game in which the objective in each level

is to move all red objects into a rectangular goal area. To do this, you are given a blue rectangular building area and

a few different materials in which you can build your device. Standing in your way, however, are a variety of obstacles,

ranging from gaping gaps to a sea of circles bent on destroying your red-object-mover-apparatus.

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