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欧洲2008头球大赛 (Euro 2008 Headers)

出自:2dplay.com 点击:5737 发布:2008-07-21 文件大小:531.74K

很好玩的头球对战, 对手很聪明的,这款游戏主要考验玩家快速的反应,在游戏中玩家需要快速的移动,一般主要在接球方面失误较多。另外此游戏还可以两人一起玩

操作很简单:A向左 D向右 W向上顶

Euro 2008 is finally here and 2DPlay.com is giving you the chance to use your head like you've never done before! Play

in exciting single-player or multi-player modes and compete against top European teams to win your way to UEFA glory.

Pick a competing country to play for and win headers matches to move up through the rounds. Do you have what it takes to

be the Euro Headers 2008 champion? Don't forget to submit your scores and compete against other global headers.

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