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做个贼抢劫银行吧! (The Bank Robbery )

出自:gameshandbook 点击:11166 发布:2007-10-06 文件大小:665.37K
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  • #1

    You must find a way to get into the vault and steal some loot.. But first you need a map

    Go to the main entrance and wait till the lady drops the map in the bin, pick it up and read it

    Go back outside and pickup a spade hidden behind some grass

    Use the spade to dig a hole where the map says is a tunnel

    You will now enter the sewer line

    Pick up the rope under water in the bottom left corner

    Swing the rope to join it to the hook on the roof (you may need to do this a few time)

    You now will enter the male bathroom

    Grab the wire cutters on the shelf

    Use the wire cutters to cut the power to the lights and the alarm

    You will now crawl through the air conditioning and enter the vault room

    Pick up the paper weight on the computer desk

    Now throw the paper weight at the right time to knock the guard down

    Grab the mobile phone from the guards pocket

    Use the mobile phone and you will put it up against the computer

    Now press scan and it will give you a unique number

    Use this unique number to enter the vault

    You now have all the money you want! We just haven't worked out a way to get out yet!



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